Seven Wonders of the World

These are the places that we have been most impressed by on our travels, in no particular order.
Well, alright, there are twelve of them not seven, but you get the idea.


1. The pyramids at Giza.  Still in the top seven after all these years.

2.  Borobudur, Java (below).

3. The Potala in Lhasa.


4. The old town of Sanaa, in the Yemen.

5. The Grand Palace and the temple of the Emerald Buddha in Bangkok.

Bangkok temple of the Emerald Buddha  
Emerald Buddha Temple Bangkok  

6. Sigiriya in Sri Lanka. You have to climb right to the top......


7. Petra, in Jordan.  The whole site is impressive but the 'Treasury' is the most magnificent.

Angkor Wat

8. Angkor in Cambodia.  Angkor Wat is only one of dozens of different temple ruins, some restored, some still covered in jungle.


9. The Leaning Tower of Pisa. We got lost and approached it from the wrong side, and first saw it through a jumble of smaller buildings, which seemed more impressive than the normal approach.


10.  Durbar Square in the centre of Kathmandu.

11. Iguazu falls, on the border between Brazil and Argentina.  From one side you get a magnificent panorama, on the other you  are walking right over the brink of the falls.


12.  Machu Picchu. Absolutely amazing - the setting amongst the mountains and above the river in the valley below, the ruins with the fantastic stonework and Huayna Picchu, the big hill overlooking it that you absolutely have to climb to the top of.
Machu Picchu
Machu Picchu

And for the ones that didn't quite make it into the top twelve, see ........  Runners up

And for our favourite places in India, see ..................  Ganesh

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