What's new (since the last version)......
Additional North Yorkshire families from parish registers
Extra details of Devon and London families from parish
registers online
New information on the Sweeting family in Somerset
their mark - copies of signatures in the person pages
New information on the Brock, Linegar and Smyth families of Dublin and County
Longford in the 1600s
from Irish Virtual Treasury and other sources online.
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Name | Derivation | Places | Dates |
Marsh | Local - 'at the marsh' | Devon, Chester |
1676-1867, 1830-1882 |
Penrose |
Local, villages in Cornwall and Wales |
Devon |
1629-1647 |
Ilbery |
Unknown |
Devon |
1629 |
Gabrielle | Baptismal 'son of Gabriel' | Devon | 1709 |
Carter | Occupational - 'the carter' | Devon | 1637-1733 |
Vernim | (variant of Vernon - see below) | Devon | 1602-1709 |
Yealland | Local, parish of Warton, Lancashire | Devon | 1640-1687 |
Radford |
Local, by the red ford |
Devon |
1642 |
Shopton |
Unknown |
Devon |
1652 |
Fuen/Fring |
Unknown |
Devon |
1644-1681 |
Mules | Local from Meulles near Orbec, Lisieux. Baldwin de Moels had estates in Devon filling eleven columns of Domesday | Devon | 1737-1762 |
Avery |
Derived from Norman french form of
Alberich or Alfred |
Devon |
1737 |
Vernon | A locality in Eure, East Normandy | Devon | 1763-1797 |
Brown | Nickname (6th most common surname of England & Wales) | Devon |
1763-1792 |
Hele | Local - 'at the hele' (variant of hill) | Devon | 1722-1763 |
Cahill | Son of Cathall, from cat (battle) + valos (powerfull) | Dublin, Ireland | 1773-1861 |
Brock | 1. Nickname 'the brock' ie. badger, 2. Local - 'at the brook', 3. Dutch | Longford, Ireland | 1670-1800 |
Whately | Localities in various counties, all 'wheat-lea' | Ireland | |
Aungier |
From Angers,
Maine et Loire, France. A Huguenot family in Dublin from the mid
17C, when an important family of the same name settled in County Longford. |
(Given name for
children of the Brock family of Longford) |
Chope | Baptismal 'son of Job' | Ireland | 1698-1741 |
Cashell | A town in County Tipperary, Ireland | Ireland | 1687-1731 |
Linegar | 1. Dweller by the flax field (OE lin = flax + oecer = cultivated) 2. localities in Lancs/Cambs/Kent | Ireland | 1677-1721 |
Smith |
Occupational - metalworker or blacksmith |
Ireland |
1703 |
Whyte | Nickname - 'the white' ie. of fair complexion | Dublin, London | 1686-1843 |
Athenry |
A town in
County Galway, Ireland. |
(Given name for
Samuel Whyte's son) |
Taverner | Occupational - keeper of the tavern | London | 1703-1778 |
Richards | Baptismal 'son of Richard' | London | 1686-1771 |
Bean | Nickname - bene, ME 'pleasant genial & kindly' or OE bean grower or seller; nickname 'of small value' | London? | |
Sweeting | OE (Ang Sax) - son of Sweet(a) | Somerset, London | 1641-1672, 1682-1725 |
Nicholls | Baptismal 'Son of Nicholas' | London | 1690 |
Freeman | Nickname or status - freeborn man (not a serf) | Ireland | 1744-1812 |
White | (see above) | Ireland | 1747-1774 |
Tydd | Local, villages in Cambs and Lincs | Ireland | 1702-1738 |
Rogers | Baptismal, from Germanic personal name | Ireland | 1715-1741 |
Frend | Nickname - companionable person. Also relative/kinsman | Ireland | 1654-1749 |
Padfield | Local, near Glossop in Derbyshire |
Ireland | 1681-1718 |
Wilcock | Baptismal 'son of William' from nickname 'Will' and nickname 'Cock' | Manchester | 1824-1894 |
Atkins | Baptismal 'son of Adam' from nickname 'Addy', diminutive 'Adkin' | Lancs | 1799-1824 |
Carter | (see above) | North Yorks | 1703-1859 |
Taylor | Occupational - the tailor | North Yorks | 1622-1710 |
Stockson |
Unknown |
North Yorks |
1622 |
Scott | Local - 'the Scot' | North Yorks | 1652-1730 |
Clapham | Locality (Beds, Surrey, Sussex, Yorks, etc). From clop (lump, hillock) + ham (homestead) | North Yorks | 1575-1687 |
Hunt |
Occupational, who hunted livestock for a living |
North Yorks |
1623 |
Storie |
Nickname, Old Norse 'big' or 'large' |
North Yorks |
1573 |
Nicholson | Baptismal 'son of Nicholas' | North Yorks | 1765 |
Jowsey / Jewsey / Juicy | Baptismal 'son of Josse' | County Durham, North Yorks |
1732-1755, 1769-1795 |
Walker | Occupational - 'the walker' or fuller of cloth (from his stamping on or pressing it) | County Durham | 1732 |
Heslop | Local (Derbyshire) | North Yorks | 1657-1776 |
Ffawcett | Local - of Forcett, Yorks (the house by the ford) | North Yorks | 1592-1696 |
Lightfoot | Nickname - fast runner | North Yorks | 1654 |
Holme | Local - lived on an island | North Yorks | 1620 |
Calvert | Occupational - 'the calf herd' | County Durham | 1787-1840 |
Note: In England and Wales, 90% of people share just 83 different surnames, the remaining 10% share 147,000 different surnames! (Source - 1991 census).
Sources of Information
It is useful to record where you found
each piece of information on the family tree, in case you need to
see it again, and also to avoid looking at it again by mistake if
you don’t need to.
My sources of information are coded with a letter
and a number:
- the letter or letters indicate the place where the
information is, such as a record office or library
- the number indicates the type of document, such
as a parish register, will or tax return.
The exception is letter ‘A’ which means information
from relatives or other individuals, and then the number indicates
which relative.
The full list of sources I have used is accessible here (use your browser 'Back' button
to return) and there is also a link to it from the top of each
of the Person Detail pages.